Monday, May 30, 2016

Sore Feet and Full Hearts

Well, this week wasn't too crazy exciting. I was sick for most of it, so nothing too crazy happened. I got a weird stomach thing where I was nauseous all day, everyday, for 2 weeks straight, and this last week was the worst of it. #VomitingAllNightLikeABoss #GoHardOrGoHome But, the great part is, I lost a total of 10 pounds in two weeks. #Score #GonnaGainItAllBackSuperQuick #MissionLifeIsFlufflyLife
We were able to go out a couple of times, but all of our set appointments had canceled. We're supposed to walk and talk to everyone we see for 7 and a half hours a week. Due to sickness, we only really had 2 and a quarter days to do that. So, on Saturday and Sunday we walked and talked with everyone for over 3 hours straight each day. #MissionaryFeetAreGrossBecauseOfThis #WorthIt 
We talked to some really great people though, and we hopefully have a few potential people to teach. :)
Yesterday was Mother's Day (Duh. If you forgot, you are a shame to your family. Buy your mom something nice that says "I'm sorry for my entire childhood and I will never be as amazing as you" because let's face it, all of that is true) and our ward put together this really great Mother's Day program. At the end, they had all the women ages 18 and up stand up to be recognized and receive a little treat. Sister Meza and I weren't going to stand up, but the speaker looked straight at us and said "Sister Missionaries, that means you too". So, we stood up in all of our awkward "we aren't thinking about having kids for a longgggg time because teaching the Gospel is way cooler"-ness and received a little handmade boutenier and chocolate bar. But I was thinking about it, and you know, there's SO much more to being a mother than just having biological children. I remembered all of the "mothers" in my life who encouraged me, nurtured me, kept me out of trouble as much as they could, loved me unconditionally, and absolutely mothered me. And I've just gotta say, I am SO grateful. I've met women who are true mothers who never had children of their own, and they have honestly changed my life. I am so humbled and honored to have so many incredible women care about me in my life. Another Sister Missionary, Sister Smith, who is serving somewhere in the south (forgive me, I forgot which state), sent the following quote out to everyone and I felt it should be shared with you all as well:

"To all of the mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you. Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ.” To Mother Eve, to Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel, to Mary of Nazareth, and to a Mother in Heaven, I say, “Thank you for your crucial role in fulfilling the purposes of eternity.” To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, “Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. In fact, you are saviors on Mount Zion, and like the Master you follow, your love ‘never faileth.’” I can pay no higher tribute to anyone" (Behold Thy Mother, Jeffrey R. Holland, October 2013).
And ultimately, I'd love to thank my own biological mother who has put up with me for 21 years now. She has had way too many instances where it would be justifiable to kill me for my terrible terrible decisions, but instead, she still chooses to love me unconditionally and cheer me on. She is my rock, my support, and I know I can always lean upon her for strength. I love you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day. <3
Sister Meza got to skype her family yesterday for Mother's day, and it was wonderful. I would have too, but my family is currently vacationing somewhere cool, so I'll get to skype them in a couple weeks. :) It was so great to see her family and get to know them. As I was watching them, I couldn't help but get super homesick. I just wanted to be done and go home. But, I prayed for help to see me through the day and to remember why I was here. So, we threw ourselves into the work and at the end of the night, I was exhausted, but overwhelmed with just how grateful I am to be here and how much I do NOT want to go home, or really ever leave. Missionary work is the best thing in the world and I will never regret serving. I've officially been out for 6 months, so 1/3 of my mission is done. I have 12 months left, and I am SO grateful to have 12 more months of hard work and dedication, because it literally is the best thing in this world.
I love you all so much! Have a great week!
Sister Roberts
P.S. Sister Meza and I are staying together here in Corona for another transfer! Whoop whoop! Elder Whiting is now my ZONE LEADER (rad) and one of my zone leaders is now Assistant to the President! #CoronaIsAmazing

 What a girl
 When we find our pamphlets while out tracting
Our cute area

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