Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Week of Miracles

Hello from Hemet! 
This week has been amazing. I am seriously in awe of how amazing it's been. We had a goal to teach as many lessons as absolutely possible, and we set a new record! We taught 17 lessons which is the most we've ever taught! It was definitely a miracle. We dropped by people's homes who never let us in, but they decided to let us in this week and we got to teach them! Prayer definitely works. 

Janet has started the 12 Step program! We are SO proud of her. She has some addicitons that she's working through, and we've been praying to know how to best help her. She finally started the program and is loving it! We're going to teach her a bit less than normal so she can focus on recovering. 

We went to an investigator's home to teach them about the 10 commandments (and the hand signs to help you remember them). And they made us lunch! WITH IDAHO POTATOES AND FRY SAUCE! I almost lost my mind in excitement. They made shoestring french fries (homemade) and "cheesy bombs", which are cubes of mozarella cheese wrapped in a pillsbury biscut, wrapped in bacon, then deep fried. I wasn't a huge fan, but I ate them anyways (missionary duty). But oh my. The fries were divine. Definitely a tender mercy :) The investigator, Marc, is much more interested in us hanging out and having fun that anything else, but his girlfriend Becky is a member, so we visit them together to help strengthen them both. The whole "more interested in hanging out and fun than the gospel" is super common. We had two investigators, Robert and Delfina, who are SUPER nice. They want us over at their house, but are not interested in the Gospel. Delfina is from Puerto Rico and wants to cook for us :) So, if they invite us over for dinner, we'll oblige and slip in a gospel message like ninjas. 

We visted the Horsepools this week. She just got out of the hospital. She has diabetes and has lost most of her fingers. Her toe has turned black and will be falling off soon, but she has a huge risk to losing her entire foot or leg. They doctors are trying to figure out what to do. She's on dialysis, so we read the scriptures with her during her dialysis treatments to help take her mind off of it. She really appreciates it and we love doing it. She is such a sweet lady, who is very close to Christ. 

We went and visited a potential investigator who's name is Omar... interesting experience is all I can say. XD We were there to share a 2 minute video about Christ with him, and he held us hostage for over an hour. He would not stop talking and barely let us get a word in. He's a sweet man, but has some interesting views. He's from Puru and has the heaviest accent. He grew up Buddhist and Catholic. He was a member of the church for 9 months. He believes the Plan of Salvation, but thinks reincarnation is involved and that Christ is our Savior. So he pretty much throws together all three religions. XD It's interesting. He wants us to come back, but said we couldn't discuss anything except Christ. Nothing about the resotration. So, in short, we won't be going back. Hopefully his heart will be softened eventually :) 

Time for two miracle stories :) 
1) We taught the Mecias family again. I seriously love them so much. I can't even describe it. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it went SO well. During the lesson, the Spirit confirmed to my heart that this specific family is why I'm on a mission. Heavenly Father has been preparing them to be taught by me specifically, and I've been prepared and called here to teach them specifically. The feeling was overwhelming but so peaceful and warm. I am SO grateful for that knowledge. I testified of it to the family, and the Spirit was SO strong. They almost cried, I almost cried, it was beautiful. We've also moved their baptism up to the 7th of February. We asked them why they wanted to be baptized, and they bore their testimonies. Victor Sr, the dad, said "We wish it could be next week instead of next month. It's such a beautiful blessing". I am SO excited and proud of them guys. I can't even tell you. As a missionary, you build SUCH a love for the people you teach. I'm so excited for what Heavenly Father has in store for them. <3 

2) We teach the Hoover family on a regular basis. The dad and son are members, and Avalee, the daughter, is not. The mother divorced the father and is very anti-mormon.. Avalee has been investigating the church for yearsssss. Last night, she called us, and told us she had a surprise for us. So we went over to their house, and she goes "So.... I'm going to be baptized". And we nearly lost it in excitement. Avalee has gone through a few sets of missionaries. She's been praying and praying to know that the church is true, and in church yesterday, she got her answer that it was. So, she decided to be baptized. <3 I am so proud of her. She's 13 and is the size of a ten year old. She comes up to my ribs. XD So I hugged her, picked her up, and spun her around. We'll have to get permission from her mother to baptize her, since they have split custody. It might take another miracle, but God is a god of miracles. :) We pray for them everyday. (We pray for a lot of people everyday. haha) 

I love you all! Stay amazing! 

Sister Roberts 

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