Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Week of Sugar Overdoses and Resolutions

Happy 2016 everyone!!! I hope your 2015 was filled with love, happiness, fun, and peace. If not, I hope your 2016 will be much more kind to you. My 2015 was... all over the place. But Heavenly Father definitely looked out for me all year, just like He always does. I've seen so many blessings and tender mercies in my life this past year, for which I am eternally grateful.
This week has been great :) We spent the first half of the week eating all of the sugar and terrible foods we could shove into our bodies. Then New Years came around, and Sister Turner and I resolved to be much kinder to our bodies. Healthy food 6 days a week with cheat day on Sunday. The first two days were rough, but we made it. ;) Sunday was Fast Sunday, so we broke our fast with Trader Joes truffles and cookie butter :) We quickly felt sick, but we regret nothing.
I've also resolved to read the entire Standard Works this year, which consist of the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants. I already read the BOM everyday, so I started in the Old Testament. It's been great so far and I'm learning so much! I've also decided to pick one Christ-like attribute every transfer and pray for opportunities to fine tune that attribute in myself. The one I've picked for this transfer is Charity. I encourage you all to pick one or two goals that will help you grow closer to your Heavenly Father this year and work on them everyday.
We've picked up a new family as investigators! They're amazing. Their last name is Mecias. Their children all played at our Christmas concert in the Orchestra. They have a friend who attends our ward who invited them, they came, and they loved it! We start teaching them tonight. We had deep cleaning of the building last week, and guess who came... the Mecias family! Sister Turner and I taught the 12 year olds in Sunday School, and Victor Mecias was there. He was so incredible. You can tell he has personal relationship with Christ. The Spirit of Christ emulates from their family, and I really hope teaching them goes well.
We had a potential investigator stalk us and follow us to a different home because he thought we were breaking into his home. A lamp in our apartment fell over but it sounded like someone busted open our door, so we screamed at the top of our lungs, because well... we thought of impending death. We also have a family of cockroaches living under our bathroom sink. You could say it's been an interesting week. ;) The night of New Years we were woken up by sirens about 7 times. People do crazy things here on New Years. Welcome to Hemet.
Other than that, we've had a pretty slow and weird week. We taught a large amount of Recent Converts and Less Active members, but no investigators until tonight. That's okay though. :) We all need to be converted everyday. We also deep cleaned our apartment on New Years day, which consisted of 5 hours of cleaning. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. :)
Read 2nd Nephi 4:26-30. It's super good (or read the entire chapter if you're feeling ambitious) Here's the link so you can read it right now :)
I love you all so much!
 Sister Roberts 

 I won this game.... Just saying. #EternalLifeForMe
 Jesus loves Hemet. #TrueStory (This is one of our Zone Leaders, Elder Foster)
This is in our Ward Mission Leaders house. #HarryPotterForTheWin

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