Monday, December 28, 2015

The Week of Christ's Birth and Transfers


How is everyone's Christmas?? I heard it snowed quite a bit up in Idaho. It was an even 66 degrees or so here in Hemet :) It is probably the warmest, nicest, loveliest Christmas weather I've ever experienced. Not going to lie, I enjoy having a warm Christmas more than a white Christmas. You don't fall on your bum when you walk to your car. :) 
Christmas for us was amazing. Two days before, we had our Christmas Conference when all of the missionaries in one half of the mission gather and President Mullen (our mission president) talks to us. It was an incredible devotional. There was a testimony meeting and some of the missionaries who are going home bore their testimonies. They were AMAZING. We talked about Christ's birth and what we loved about studying the New Testament these past few weeks. They fed us breakfast (and even put together a vegetarian quiche for me!) and watched a slide show about this last year in the mission. They then gave us our Christmas packages and sent us home. 

On Christmas day, Sister Turner woke us all up early to open presents. I'm not a morning person in the slightest, but was able to get into the Spirit pretty quickly. We opened our presents and I'm SO grateful for everything that everyone sent me! Thank you SO much! There was SO much stuff that I needed/wanted and I couldn't be more grateful. 
After that, we went to the Kiselburgs home to have breakfast and skype our families. They're a family in our ward and we love them SO much. They do so much for the missionaries. I got to talk to my family, and let me tell you.... I love you guys. It was amazing to see your beautiful faces and hear your amazing voices. I love you all so much and I hope you know that. I think about every single one of you every day. 

After skyping, we played Banana-grams (super fun). We then had lunch, which consisted mainly of junkfood. We had a linner (lunch dinner) at 2 pm at another member's home, called the Pauls. They're amazing too. We love them. 

After, we headed back to the Kiselburgs for Christmas dinner, which consisted of homemade mac and cheese and crossaints! It was SO amazing. I died. We had all eaten so much that day, so we were full and dying. They gave us our Christmas presents which consisted of Cookie Butter (Hallelujah!) and truffles from Trader Joes. We have SO many sweets and things in our apartment right now, it's not even funny. We've decided to eat all of it before New Years day and then eat healthfully from New Years on. But we gotta get rid of all that temptation first.... ;) 

Our ward family here is amazing. They do so much for us. I've lost count of how many families gave us Christmas presents or cards and who feed us on a regular basis. They love missionaries and love our investigators. Members are ESSENTIAL in missionary work. They are the ones that help investigators feel welcome in a ward. They help with the transition process and help them feel loved and welcome. If you have missionaries in your ward, please, help them. Go on splits with them, feed them when you can, and keep them in your prayers. It means more to them than you think, trust me. 

We got transfer calls the day after Christmas... guess what.... Both Sister Roberts 1 and Sister Ogden are being doubled out. Sister Turner and I are taking over their area as well as maintaining ours, which means we've just doubled our number of investigators! We are SO excited but so nervous at the same time. Our work load just doubled and it feels like we were barely handling the work we already had! But I know that Heavenly Father asked us to take over the ward for a reason. He knows we can handle it, so I have no doubt that we can. It'll be hard, but it'll help us learn and grow. Sister Ogden is being doubled into her new area in Lake Elsinore. Being doubled in means that they took the Elders out and put two new sisters in. Neither her or her companion know anyone there, nor do they know where they're going. Neither of them have ever been there, but she will do AMAZING! Sister Roberts is being doubled into her area in Paris Menifee as well! Paris Menifee is known for being even more dangerous and poor than Hemet, so Sister Roberts is SUPER excited. She loves working in dangerous areas because you find the most amazing, humble, incredible people. 

We have a busy week ahead of us, but I know that we will be able to handle it all just fine. Please keep sending me pictures! I miss you all so much! And you can email me directly to :) We have permission to email friends, you just can't live in my area (which none of you do, so we're good). 

I miss you all so much! Keep up all the hard work that you do on a daily basis. Stay amazing! 

Sister Roberts

 We found some mistletoe at a members home... I found my true love... #SisterRobertsPlusCatsEqualsLove
 We had Christmas Eve dinner at a members home. This cheese... you open it and it's the most pungent smell ever. But then it melts and it's delicious :) 
 My mom got Sister Turner and I each these stockings... HOW FREAKING CUTE?? I love them! Thanks Mom <3
 Sorry it's flipped, I can't figure out how to fix it. But it's a mini hymn book with my name! Thank you!!!! 
Sister Turner and I with the cuttest kitten around. #OldCatLadiesForLife

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