Wednesday, December 9, 2015

PDay Numero Dos!

Hi everyone!!!

Thank you SO much for your emails, prayers, birthday wishes, care packages, letters, support, and unending love. I want you to know that I feel it! You guys have seriously made my day and comforted me when things get pretty tough here. Sister Baumgartner, you are an angel! Thank you so much for the huge care package with all the candy. My roommates and I love you and thank you. ;) 

Being 21 in the MTC is awesome. No better way to spend my birthday. My district decked out our classroom in birthday stuff when my companion and I had a meeting. Sweetest. Thing. Ever. Brought tears to my eyes. :) 

This has been a crazy week! So full of ups and downs, but mainly ups. I feel like I'm learning more than I ever thought possible. The MTC is fantastic for that. They jam everything in so compactly that you're not sure if you even know what you know. ;) 

Sunday so far is my favorite day. The church services are incredible. There's a devotional later in the evening, we take a walk around the temple, and we watch a church film. They're busy days, but good days. My entire district and I decided to join the MTC Choir. Now, I can't sing well. But let me tell you, when you're surrounded by a choir of 1500 missionaries who also can't sing, it doesn't matter. ;) We sang Nearer My God To Thee. The choir director is INCREDIBLE. He is hilarious and spiritual all at the same time. The song Nearer My God to Thee is actually about Jacob and Esau (not sure on that spelling), and Rebekah. It's about Jacob's journey through the wilderness after his brother Esau is determined to kill him for taking the birth right. But the way the choir director explained it.... wow. Amazing! Love that song even more now. :) We preformed it on Tuesday for the Tuesday night devotional. Elder Hugo Montoya of the Quorum of the Seventy came to speak!!!!!! MIND BLOWINGLY AMAZING!!!! Loved every minute of it. He invited his wife to speak as well and I totally teared up. My companion Sister Reed and I are teaching the Relief Society lesson this week, which we have yet to plan. XD The new district that came into our branch is only elders. So the only people going to be at the RS lesson will be Sister Reed and I, our sister companions Sister Barnum and Sister Harker, and the Branch Presidency's wives. Nice and small, no pressure. :) 

We started teaching Kaylee and let me tell you.... frustrating and amazing. Sister Reed and I have come a long way when it comes to teaching by the Spirit. Kaylee wants to be baptized and sealed to her husband in the temple, but she doesn't want to stop drinking wine. So we're working with her, but ultimately, it's up to her. She has free agency, but I know that if she just takes that step and trusts in her Heavenly Father, she will be SO blessed and so happy. 

We get gym time here at the MTC, and we have a crazy nice gym. I thought it would be the BEST IDEA EVER to work out my arms... yeah, not the best idea ever. I still can't lift my scriptures without wincing. ;) 

I'm flying out to Cali on Tuesday! How crazy is that! I don't have my address yet, but when I get it, I'll be sure to send it to you guys. :) Missionaries LOVE letters.... Just so you know.... ;) 

I've gotten a couple questions about the food here at the MTC..... Well.... It's not terrible. XD They have a fantastic salad bar that I get every single day. And a baked potato bar that I also get almost every single day. Those are really the only vegetarian options. XD But the portions are ridiculously huge. I swear I eat like 10 servings of spinach every meal. But it's delcious... .sooo...... There was this Elder who had a giant plate of pasta, breadsticks, rice, and 4 PB and J's. Carbs for daysssss. ;) 

I feel the spirit SO strong here. And I am so happy I came. I know this is going to be the best, but also the hardest experience of my life. And I couldn't be more excited or grateful. :) 

I love you all so much! 

All my love,
Sister Roberts 

Picture description:
1st picture from left to right:
Sister Barnum (going to Ventura), Me, My companion Sister Reed (going to Riverside with me), Sister Harker (Going to San Fernando), and the 4 sisters from the district who came in before us, who I have no clue what their names are. Sorry! 

2nd picture left to right:
My companion Sister Reed and Sister Harker. Sister Harker has crazy curly hair and apparently sleeping with a bag on her head keeps it less frizzy. XD

3rd picture left to right:
My companion Sister Reed, Me, Sister Harker, and Sister Barnum 

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