Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Week I Bought More Drugs Than Food

Hello beautiful friends and family!
How are all of you?? I hope you're all well and healthy! This week is Christmas! How insane is that?? Have you all had a chance to watch the video "A Savior is Born"? If not, do so! Here's the link! 
It definitely puts everything into perspective.
This week has been.... hectic. Lets say that. The other Sister Roberts and I were put on antibiotics and steroids and were doing really well. I was also put on like a billion other prescriptions to make sure my lungs don't die. Pretty sure I bought the entire pharmacy. Then on Thursday, we were both hit with another wave of sickness. We've both been sleeping a LOT (it makes us super lethargic) and coughing up really gross things. We've been ordered to go to the doctor again today to make sure it's not anything more serious, so that's what we'll be doing after we're done emailing here. But before I got sick again, Sister Turner and I were able to do a lot of really awesome stuff. We visited Tua this week. She's a wonderful Samoan lady who fed us Thanksgiving dinner. She's not a member, but has family who is. We visited her and she told us how merciful Heavenly Father has been to her lately. She's had a lot of anger toward God because of things that have happened in her life, but she continues to pray everyday. She and her family barely make it by, but these last few weeks, she's had so many tender mercies. Her husbands boss came by to look at Tua's Christmas lights (she goes all out) and brought a ton of groceries with them. Then, her landlord gave them a Christmas gift with a ton of money inside of it. She teared up as she related the experiences to us, and we let her know how much her Heavenly Father loved her and was looking out for her. Her heart has been softened so much.

We were also able to visit Jade this week. We taught her about the Plan of Salvation and it went super well. It went so well that she has committed to being baptized on January 17th! We are SO excited for her. She is an amazing woman. Jade has so much compassion and love for everyone around her. She's an incredible mother and is so giving to everyone she knows. The lesson was going really well and Sister Turner looked at me with her eyes all huge saying "invite her!" but silently with her eyes. She gave me "the look". So... I invited her, and she accepted! She's super excited and is working so hard to be ready by that date. I know that Heavenly Father will help her prepare as she dedicates herself to following Christ, just like He helps all of us in the same endeavor.
Sister Turner and I taught Janet this week as well. We pretty much had a "come to Jesus meeting" with her. We were bold, honest, and serious about her and her commitment to quit smoking and gambling. It went wonderfully. At the beginning of the lesson, she was saying "I want to try to quit" and at the end of the lesson she said "I WILL quit!". We were with a member, Sister Kieselburg. She was amazing. She testified through the whole lesson and the Spirit was so strong. She does so much for us, it's insane. She went and got Janet an e-cigarette. She told Janet she got her the one with nicotene in it to wean her off of the actual cigarettes. But just between us... she purposefully got the one with no nicotene. All it is is water vapor with flavor. And Janet says it's been working! She uses that instead will be quitting that soon too. Placebo effect for the win. :) I'm so proud of Janet. She made a contract with herself about quitting and signed it, then Sister Kieselburg lamenated it for her. Fingers crossed everything works out. If it does, she and Jade will be getting baptized the same day!
Earlier this week, all of the missionaries in the area volunteered with the Salvation Army! It was AMAZING! We passed out Christmas gifts for kids who's families are struggling and full Christmas dinners! The need was staggering. But you could definitely feel the Spirit as different faiths pulled together to help those who really need it this season. That was probably my favorite thing this week. It warmed my heart and brought me to tears a few times as I realized just how incredibly blessed I am. Both to have the family that I have, who have raised me the way they have, and to be on this mission. It has helped me see just how fortunate I am and how much faith in Christ changes lives.
We've gotta head out, but I hope you all have an amazing week! Read the story of Christ's birth this week! Have a merry Christmas, but remember to take a moment out of this hectic holiday to cherish Him who's birth we celebrate.
I love you all!
Your favorite missionary,
Sister Roberts 

 Sister Turner's amazing art skills :) (I'm the one in the glasses)

Our bikes!

Our tree!!

 Advent Calendar for the win :) 

 Our Stockings :)

California grows citrus like weeds... Members gave these to us since we're sick. :) 

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