Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Week All Our Appointments Were Cancelled Because We Were Sick Because Satan is a Jerk Face

Hello beautiful friends and family!

How are all of you?? I've heard Idaho has gotten pretty chilly. :) It's actually kinda cold here sometimes. The weather is super bipolar and it's freezing and raining some days and 80 degrees on other days. I wasn't expecting the cold weather, so working has been interesting... But a member of our ward gave me a super nice NorthFace coat! HOW NICE IS THAT?? It's super warm and works wonders :) #Blessings I didn't even say anything, and she was all, "Hey this might fit you". It's a little big, but I'm super grateful so I'm not dying of chill anymore. ;) Anyways, like the title of this email states, everyone in the entire apartment except Sister Ogden is sick! Literally, we've been on our deathbeds all week. Now we know why our investigators were canceling last week. There's a bug going around Hemet and it's literally wiping everyone out. So we were sick all week, until Friday. We decided to go out walking on Friday and got caught in a rain/hail storm. The next day, I woke up feeling like I got hit by a bus and the other Sister Roberts was really sick again too. We ended up spending 4 hours in an Urgent Care, getting put on antibiotics and steroids. But since we've been taking those, we've been feeling a lot better. :) 

We were able to visit a few less actives and recent converts. They're all really great, and one less active family, the Almida's, came to church! We were SUPER excited. The dad has PTSD (former marine) and large crowds kinda freak him out. The mom has anxiety. But they did AWESOMELY! I was so proud :)
We taught one of our investigators today :) Her name is Jade. She's amazing and I love her. We were going to teach something completely different than what we did, but the Spirit directed us to teach about prayer, and it went amazingly well. It was definitely something she needed. Her husband got a really good job so she can quit hers, which means she will be able to come to church on Sundays! They have 3 beautiful children. We read some of the Book of Mormon with them and talked about how prayer leads us to a stronger bond with our Heavenly Father. She really wants a stronger family bond, so we talked about how family prayer can bring peace to our families during really chaotic times and strengthen us together. I know that as we pray both individually and as families that we will be blessed in ways that we can't predict or imagine. Prayer has brought SO much peace into my life, for which I am extremely grateful.
I finished reading the New Testament assignment given from our Mission President, and let me tell you... AMAZING. Please, please, please read it. I think the book of John is my favorite. I was reading it and I could just feel the love Christ has for His disciples, for His Father, and for us.
Tender Mercy Time! While we were sick, we got to watch a church movie. We have little DVD players in our apartments with approved movies to watch when we're sick. So we kept trying to get this dang DVD to play, but each time we hit play, it just restarted the main menu. It was getting super frustrating. But I decided to say a simple and quick prayer asking for help, then try again. We tried again, and it worked the first try! God hears and answers prayers, guys. Even simple "Please make this DVD player work" ones. Lean on your Heavenly Father and Christ. They LOVE you. They love you more than you will ever be able to comprehend. They love to hear from you. So talk to them. Thank God for your blessings. Ask Him questions for understanding. Pray for comfort, peace, safety, etc. I promise that as you do, He will not only be listening, but if you pray with sincerity, He WILL answer you (just in His time and His way).
So there's a member of our ward from Britain. He drinks this awesome drink called Postem. Basically, it's Mormon coffee. He drank a lot of coffee before converting, and this drink tastes EXACTLY like coffee (except less bitter I think) and is made from barley and is WAY better for you! He made me a cup and I fell in LOVE! It's like drinking a warm cup of happiness, cheer, and joy. It warms your soul. The only place you can get it here is Winco which is out of our area. Postem is the only thing I want for Christmas. The hunt is on. :) I keep praying that we'll find it in our local grocery store one of these days, because they put out random stuff all the time. Fingers crossed!
Well, that's been our week. Sorry it's super slow, we've been dying. No biggie. ;) I love you all! Read John! Pray! And keep being your amazing selves. LOVE YOU!
Your favorite missionary,
Sister Roberts 

Sorry my hand writing is so terrible, but it says "He was born so I can share His light and truth with the world".These papers are on and I encourage you to print them out, fill them out how you will, and post them to social media using the hashtag #ASaviorIsBorn :) Remember, you can touch people's lives in ways you don't know or understand. Everyone needs the hope and light of the Savior, especially this Christmas season. <3

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