Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Week of Zone Conference and Coughing Out Lungs

Buenos Dias! Como esta? Soy las misioneras de iglesia de JesuCristo de los santos de los ultimos dias! No habla espanol, pero hay misioneras hablan espanol perfecto! Cual es su nombre? Cual es su numero de telefono? Cual es su direcion? 

And thus you see how English missionaries talk to people here who speak exclusively Spanish. :) We've had this opportunity a few times this week. It's always really fun. Sister Turner took the lead on one with two Spanish ladies. The one listened to Sister Turner, then turned to the other one and said in Spanish what we were TRYING to say. It was hilarious. We sound like gringas when we speak. XD But alas, the message was finally received. Cool story, we did that last transfer with a Spanish family of six. We got their information, sent it to the Spanish sisters, and now that family is getting baptized. :) How rad is that? 

We had zone conference this week! It was GREAT! We got to the stake center at 7 am for car inspections. Sister Turner and I won 2nd place for the cleanest car, which awarded us a $10 gift card to Wendys :) We then were able to watch the world wide missionary devotional, which was AMAZING. There were so many things said in there that we need to be better at. We missionaries are so imperfect. But we are perfect in trying. We do our best to be better everyday. I loved the training we received from the leaders of the church and can't wait to see our areas be blessed as we follow their counsel. After that, we had zone conference. President Mullen was in attendance and watched as we talked about how to best help our investigators. He said that the roll out of iPad was supposed to be in January, but it was slowed down due to the death of the 3 Apostles last year. SO! There's still a chance we can get them! He advised us to pray for them, which I have since done every single prayer I say. Not going to lie. It's a righteous desire! Do you know how much of a blessing they would be to us?? HUGE. Just saying. During the conference, I accidentally used the word "dunked" inregards to baptism, and let me tell you... President Mullen rebuked me hardcore. You felt the air leave the room. You can bet that I won't be using that term ever ever ever ever ever again. XD But he smiled at me warmly and kindly and lovingly after the conference, so all has been forgiven. :) The newest incoming missionaries bore their testimonies (I was one of them, since I wasn't here for the last zone conference) and it was beautiful. There are some incredible Elders and Sisters in the Riverside mission. Let me tell you. Oh my goodness. They are SUCH rolemodels to me. There was one outgoing elder, Elder Foster, who also bore his testimony. It was amazing. He has grown so much in his mission. I hope to be a spiritual mountain like he is, one day. 

Fun story, our front door to our apartment fell off. Not even kidding. We were on our way out the door for an appointment. We opened the door, and BAM. Fell off. Sister Turner wrote on a sticky note "Our door won't close. Please do not enter or steal our things. Love, the Sisters" and wanted to put that on our door to our open apartment so we could make our appointment. Luckily, I was able to talk her out of that one. :) We went to talk to maintence who was no where to be found. So, we called the housing coordinators who came and inspected it. Brother Jones, our ward mission leader, came over to help as well. It turned into an hour and a half long affair. The door was too heavy for the hinges and the people who put it in used tiny short nails, so it ripped out of the hinges. They were able to fix it up and it's good to go :) Oh Hemet, how we love you. <3

We had two more lessons with the Macias family! They are SO good, guysl SO GOOD. I love them to the moon and back, plus infinity. They filled out all the paperwork for baptism last night, and I was giddy as a kid at disney land. They are an incredible family. The Gospel is already blessing their lives so much. They go through a LOT. Their car broke down before church, so they started to walk to the 14 mile trip to the church. We were able to get someone to pick them up so they didn't have to walk all that way. They are dedicated. Dedicated, humble, meek, and ready to learn. They've felt their family grow closer together and feel a spirit of peace in their home. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 The Church is true. Just so you know. It blesses individuals and families in ways you can't imagine until you start living it. We only have 1 more official lesson with the Macias family until they're ready to be baptized! I know that when they are (OnFebruary 7th!) that their lives will never be the same. They will have this indescrible joy and love enter their home and hearts. They will have the blessing of becoming a forever family. Their marriage will be forever, not till death do they part. What an incredible blessing!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 

On the down side, I'm sick again. It's a respiratory issue and my lungs are not having any of it. But alas, just gotta keep working hard. The Elders were able to give me a blessing, so I know I'll be fine. Priesthood blessings are my favorite. <3 They bring me so much comfort, peace, and healing. I'm so grateful that I had the wonderful blessing of having a worthy priesthood holder in my home from the time I was born who could give me blessings of healing and comfort and counsel whenever I needed. Thanks for being amazing, Daddy. <3 I totally owe you for that. And shout out to my incredible mother who didn't murder me, even though I so richly deserved it on more than a few occasions. My parents are incredible, y'all. I am so incredibly blessed to have them, and I'm forever grateful to have their love and support as I'm out here in the great and spacious state of California. 

I love you all so much! Stay amazing! Read Mosiah 27 and 28. The WHOLE chapters. They're my favorite in my wholeeeee Book of Mormon. They're SO GOOD. Read them. Do it. I dare you. No... I exhort you! <3 (With love of course)

Sister Roberts

Picture: What we do on PDay. 

Ps: Sorry about the lack of pictures. I'll be better this week!

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