Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Everyone tells you hard and how amazing missionary work is. But no one, I repeat no one, told me just how much I could love and feel for our investigators. This past week has been an insane roller coaster. I've felt my heart break because their hearts were breaking. I've cried because of the trials and hardships they've had to endure. I've pleaded with my Father in Heaven for them, for their children, and for their peace.
But, I've also shed tears of joy as I see how much the Gospel blesses their lives. I've cried because of the Spirit testifying to me that what I'm teaching is true. I've cried when our investigators volunteer to pray, because when we first started teaching them, they refused. I've cried when they told us that they want to be baptized right now and not wait another week. And I've also cried when they walk out of their baptismal interviews with tears in their eyes because they know that they are officially cleared to be baptized. It. Is. Amazing. The love you feel for those you teach is intense. I can't describe it. It's the most beautiful, unexpected, wonderful feeling. The Macias family is being baptized this Friday at 7 pm (8 pm Idaho Time)!! Words cannot express how grateful and honored I am to have been one of the missionaries who had the honor of teaching them. They are an incredible family. They have gone through so much, and my heart feels like it gets wrung out when I hear about it. But my heart also swells with joy when they bare their testimony of the Savior and how grateful they are to know Him. After their baptismal interviews, Victor Senior pulled both Sister Turner and I aside and said "I just want to thank you two for being such a blessing to my family's life. You have brought so much peace to us". I cried the whole way home, not even kidding. I love them more than I ever thought I could love a family. We taught them about temples and how they can be sealed as a family for time and all eternity and Victor Sr said "Alrighty then! One year from now! February 5th, 2017 you are going to come see us become a forever family!". And again, tears. I feel like a blubbering mess this week, but I am SO grateful. This mission is amazing. The people are amazing. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here.
I was thinking the other day, and I came up with a list of all the good things that have come because of this mission. Here it is.
1: I feel the Spirit in ways I never thought possible.
2: I see miracles every day.
3: I have a deeper testimony of my Savior
4: I repent everyday for my mess ups and am extremely grateful for the opportunity to do so
5: I've met the most incredible people
6: My companion is the bomb.com and has taught me more about being a good missionary than anyone
7: I've felt a deeper love for my family and friends back home
8: The members of the church I've met make me want to be better everyday. They're incredible
9: I have a much more clear picture of my own divinity and who I am as a daughter of God and disciple of Christ.
10: I have more confidence in myself and my abilities
11: I have a deeper, more personal relationship with my Father in Heaven
12: I have a deep respect and love for the scriptures
13: My understanding of the atonement and the sacrifice that Christ made for me, and for everyone, has enlarged, and thus, so has my appreciation
14: I have realized what is important to me and what is not, and therefore have a clearer picture of what I want for my life and for my future. Consequently, the things I desire are very different than the things I've wanted and worked for previously. But I also have a deep peace in my heart and know that no matter what, as long as I stick with the Savior, I will be much more happy than I ever could be on my own.
15: I understand how to receive revelation for myself and how to communicate effectively with my Father. Prayer has become my favorite, most treasured thing.
And for all of these things, and so many more I've failed to list, I am extremely grateful. Serving a mission has been the best thing I've ever decided to do. I've learned so much and the blessings have been enumerable, and I've only been here for 3 months! I can't wait to see what the next 15 will bring <3
Everyone, I hope you know how incredible you are. I hope you know just how loved and adored you are by our Father in Heaven and by His Son, Jesus Christ. I hope you know how much I love you, pray for you, and think about you everyday. I also hope you know just how much impact you can have on those around you. You don't have to put on a missionary name tag like myself to be a missionary (But I highly recommend doing so). Be an example. Live your life in a way that will show others the Gospel and how much Christ loves them. "Preach the Gospel, and when necessary, use words." I want you to know I feel your prayers and that I am incredibly thankful for them. You are all incredible people. Remember that.
I love you all so much!
Sister Roberts

 I got to use an iPhone! Most glorious moment of my life. I miss technology.
 Christina Macias wanted to practice her camera skills, and this was the result. Not too shabby.
 All of the Macias children and Victor Senior! He's the one who's not smiling. XD He does smile! He just isn't a camera fan. The child at the top is Victor Jr (13) , then Amy (16) and me, then Ruby (10) on the left below Amy, with Christina (11) right next to her, and of course, Sister Turner :)
 Sister Turner's amazing drawing skills. President Mullen always asks us if we're on fire, and this was Sister Turner's interpretation, which we promptly mailed to him. :)

This is one of our VERY favorite members, Sister Johnson. :) We take selfies every week usually. She is my spirit animal <3

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