Tuesday, February 23, 2016

There's a First Time For Everything...

So this week was.... odd. 

We got a referral and went to go contact her. We open her gate, knock on her front door.... and lo and behold, the back door opens from the other side of the house. She walks around, starts yelling at us, releases her "terrifying" dogs on us (who were super nice by the way and wanted belly rubs), and screams until we leave. As we were walking away, I turned around and said "I hope you have a better day!" (because it was the nicest sassiest thing I could say to her at the time) and she raised her hand which had pepperspray in it, and threatened to spray me with it. So yeah.... Hopefully the first and last time I'll be threatened with pepperspray in my life. XD  Slightly terrifying, but alas, thus we see that the Lord protects his servants :) I shouldn't have been sassy with her though. The sass just comes out of me sometimes. I can't help it. But don't worry, I DID repent of my sassy ways. 

We picked up an investigator named Linda! She is the SWEETEST. She referred herself on Mormon.org . We have her a Book of Mormon and she's already in Moroni! She's even been underlining! She came to church and LOVED IT! And.... she's on date to be baptized on March 20th!!!! Ahh! I'm so happy! She is SUCH a rockstar and has been prepared for her whole life to be taught by us. She loves us and we love her. :) 

We've continued teaching Tuila and Janet. We've been teaching them for awhile. They are awesome! They just don't progress as quickly as some of our other investigators. But as missionaries, we need to learn to be more patient with the people we teach. Not everyone can be the Macias family. ;) 

We went on exchanges this week! Sister Garlitz and I went with Hermana Rutherford to Riverside!!! She's a Spanish speaking Sister Training Leader! So we got to nod along in all of the lessons because we understood maybe 2% of everything being said. XD But it was a pretty amazing experience! We also went to Feeding America and volunteered for awhile! We sorted lots of stuff and weighed lots of stuff. :) It was so fun! It's incredibly humbling as well. I'm so grateful I've always had food to eat. Not everyone is so lucky. <3 We had $20 from a member to buy dinner, but we only wanted milkshakes. As we were driving to the Carls Junior, we saw a homeless man. So we went to Carls Junior, got us milkshakes, and bought the homeless man some tacos. We still have 5 dollars left over, so we just put it in the Taco Bag. We drove up to him and handed it to him, and let me tell you... he was so grateful. I almost started crying. When you see people on the street, it is NOT your job to judge them or say "well maybe if you stopped buying drugs/alcohol/etc you wouldn't be here" or "if you got a job, you'd be fine". That is not your job. We are ALL beggars when it comes to the atonement. Have we not all begged for forgiveness from at one point? Have not all approached the mercy seat and plead for mercy? "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:37–40.)" We are called to love, not judge. 

Well, that's about it for this week. Other than the fact that it was 97 degrees when we were walking the other day. Almost died. Probs gonna die in the summer. But it's fine. Totally fine. XD 

I love you all so very much. <3 I miss you more than you can imagine. 

 We tried this awesome pizza place in Riverside called Blaze. It's a "make your own" kinda like Subway or Chiptole. It was divine! 

 ​Hermana Rutherford and Sister Garlitz!!! <3
 ​This was when it was 97 degrees outside. I was dying. Just saying. #IMissIdaho
The most divine chocolate cake known to man. Just so you know.

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