Monday, February 8, 2016

There is Opposition in All Things Because Satan is a Jerk Face

Hello beautiful people!
This week has been.... insane. Insanely hard and insanely amazing. The hardest day on my mission was Thursday. We had some hiccups with the Macias family and the entire baptism was called off. Sister Turner and I had never been so heart broken or prayed so earnestly before. But prayers are answered! The next day, everything was resolved and the baptism went through as scheduled! <3 It was the most amazing day of my entire mission. The Spirit was SO strong and the entire family was so so so so happy. <3 The font didn't get filled up intime, so it was still running when the service started, but it all worked out beatifully. It's so odd how Satan works. He beats the poo out of you and makes it seem like everything is terrible. But, if you stick with Heavenly Father, you will always triumph. And that peace and joy you feel when you do outweigh the heartache you went through.
The Macias family was confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints yesterday during church! It was incredible. And get this... two of the Macias children, Amy and Victor 2.0, were blessed to serve full time missions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they said that, I literally bawled. I had to use tissues and everything! I just felt the Spirit soooo strongly, and the thought came to my mind "Heavenly Father is so pleased with the work you've done. Look, you've brought a family into the Gospel. And because of your work, they too, will bring others". It was the most comforting, amazing, reassuring feeling and thought. I am SO honored to be able to teach them. They are an incredible family. I feel like they are truly converted, as well. I have so much peace in my heart knowing that even though they will have really hard trials, they will ultimately stick with Jesus Christ and be an eternal family. What a supreme, amazing, comforting thing!
Funny moment of the week: It was testimony meeting this week, and a member's elderly father, who is from Tonga, is visiting. He speaks very limited English, but wanted to bear his testimony. So he and the daughter went up and she translated for him. Twenty minutes later, he was still up there going. She kept trying to tell him it was time to sit down, but he kept going and the whole congregation was laughing. Then the Bishop got up and gently told him that time was up, and he said "Okay" and then continued for another 10 minutes in Tongan. It. Was. HILARIOUS! The daughter ended up not even translating it at the end, because he went on so long. It was so cute. :)
Well other than that, there's not much to say. I love you all so much! Read your scriptures as a family! I know that it'll strengthen you so so so so much! 

PS: Sister Turner is being transferred to Menifee today! Super sad. :( But! I'm gaining two new companions! I'll be in a trio with Sister Moore and Sister Garlitz! Valle Vista, here we come! Taking over the area only after 12 weeks.... #terrified

 Sister Turner loves Jack in the Box tacos. :)
 Amy and our Ward Mission Leader, Brother Jones 

 Practicing being baptized with Kristina :) 
 Susan Macias (Mother) 
 Amy Macias (16)
 Entire Macias Family! From left to right, Sister Turner, Susan Macias, Kristina, Victor Sr, Rubie, Me, Victor 2.0, Amy :) 

 Love these girls so much <3 
 Look at those beautiful smiles <3 That's Sister Jones, by the way. She's our Ward Mission Leader's wife and we ADORE her. <3 
Teaching the children to play the "Human Knot". Super fun, also super painful. XD 

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