Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Greetings from warm and sunny California! 

This week has been insane and amazing! Like the subject line says, Trio life is the best life! There's never silence because we all just chat and chat. :) We all have very different personalities, but we are working together so well! I am incredibly blessed to have these two stellar Sisters as my companions. Sister Garlitz reminds me of my Dad. She's of the same political party as him, has the same sense of humor, and absolutely loves the Beatles, the Who, and other classic music. We get in debates on occasion and it's all in good spirit and fun. She is from Mapleton Utah :) She's an extremely hard worker and I am learning so much from her! Sister Moore reminds me of my mom and is probably the most compassionate, loving, and service minded missionary I've met. She's from Hooper Utah, grew up on a farm, loves camping, and loves going on hikes. They are both very diligent about the work and I absolutely love working with them. 

We had Stake Conference this week, and it was a regional broadcast from Salt Lake! Elder Renlund, Elder Hamula, and Sister Oscarson all spoke! I LOVED IT. It was SUCH a great broadcast and you could really feel the Spirit SO strongly as they spoke. One of my favorite quotes was from Elder Hamula, who said that "Perfection is not a prerequisite for being a prophet". I loved that so much. He explained that the men who are called of God are imperfect human beings just like the rest of us. But the revelations they receive and share with the rest of the world to guide us ARE perfect. We need not hyperfocus on someone's imperfections, rather "By their fruits you shall know them". And the fruits from the prophets are incredible. Stand with them. They are inspired men and I know that they have been called of God. Sister Oscarson spoke of standing as a witness of God at all times, in all things, and of all places. She quoted someone else when she said "If someone were to accuse you of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Brothers and Sisters, I hope there is enough evidence! We need to have integrity and stand as representatives of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, even when we think no one is watching. We are not "Sunday Saints". We are everyday, striving to be better than we are, atonement utilizing, Christ loving, imperfect, humble, Christian latter day saints. Never, ever, ever check your religion at the door. Being a Christian is not a hobby, past time, or occasional when you have time activity. It is not merely a religion. It is a lifestyle. We are called to love ALL men, not just those we agree with. Elder Renlund spoke on loving all of our neighbors, not just those of our religion. He spoke of his wife, who has been a practicing attorney for 20 something years. It always amazing him how two attorneys could tear each other apart in the courtroom, yet sit down to each lunch with one another afterwards. He stated that when we disagree with someone, the Christian way to respond is "I see we are not going to agree on this particular topic. I like you. I respect you. And I hope you offer me the same courtesy". This, brothers and sisters, is how we should treat our fellow men. We never need to choose to either love our gay child or love our church. We never need to choose to love an alcoholic or love our doctrine. We never need to choose to love those who's lifestyles we do not subscribe to or love those who agree with our own lifestyles. These are not "either or" situations. These are "all of the above" situations! We love EVERYONE and offer everyone respect and tolerance. We stand for Christ. And as such, we need to represent Him well. Remember who you are, Whose you are, and Who you stand for! Christ loved all of His brothers and Sisters. Therefore, we need to love all of our brothers and sisters, no matter what. There are no ifs, buts, or exceptions. 

The rest of this week was spent trying to find people to teach. California weather is odd, let me tell you. We went walking this week and guess what... the temperature outside was 95 degrees. Apparently California did not get the memo that it is February. Summer is probably going to kill me, but it's fine. I'll die doing the Lord's work. :) I got my first sunburn! It wasn't too bad, but I've been lathering on the sunscreen ever since. The spray sunscreen works MUCH better than the lotion type. When you use the lotion type, you sweat and it gets in your eyes and you go blind. So... yeah. Sticking to the spray. XD I'm almost out, so if anyone wants to send me some.... just saying. ;) 

We picked up an investigator and her name is Linda! She is so prepared and excited about the Gospel! We started teaching her and she was LOVING it. However, she is most likely moving this week to another ward, so we're going to have to pass her over to those missionaries in that ward. :( I know they'll take great care of her though! 

The Macias family is doing GREAT by the way! They are absolutely loving the Gospel. They are growing, learning, and moving forward. They're preparing to go to the temple and Victor Sr and Victor Jr are preparing to receive the Aaronic Priesthood! I am SO excited for them! They are rockstars and I absolutely adore them. I've already decided that they are going to come to my wedding (if I ever find a suitable man, but that's another topic) and the kids will play their instruments for some of it, because they're so AMAZING! They're little musical prodigies! I can't wait till they are sealed together as a family next year! Odds are, I'll get to be there! Ahh! <3 <3 <3 

Anyways, I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines Day! Since it's the day of love, remember who you need to love first with all of your heart, might, mind and strength. (Hint hint, the answer is God). Remember all that He has done for you and for all of mankind. He loves you more than you can comprehend, hence why He sent His only begotten Son. Love Them. For They love you more than you can ever understand. <3 

Love from burning hot California,

Sister Roberts 

 Valentines Dinner at the VanJindelts! They made us heart napkins <3
Sorry, but this is the only picture of both amazing companions that I was able to get this week. Sister Garlitz is on the left (red cardigan) and Sister Moore is on the right (red scarf). :) I love them both SO much!!! <3 

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