Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Week of Interviews, Accidentally Leaving the Mission, and Innumerable U-Turns

Well, the three musketeers had a tough week. But the good thing is that we were able to find ways to laugh and release the stress and tension just as we were ready to throw in the towel and quit. We have so much fun :) There's no way they're going to keep us together for more than one transfer, simply because we have WAY too much fun.
We had to take a roadtrip to Mission Headquaters in Riverside on Wednesdaybecause of our car. A couple weeks ago, we were driving and saw this bump... we tried to go over it gently and slowly, but the bump was nottttt having any of it. It tried to take our back bumper off.... (I would like to point out that I was not driving) So we had to go to Riverside to trade our car in for a new one! Well... it's the same exact car, color and everything, except it's a year newer. But nonetheless! We are extremely grateful for the blessing of being in a car! Not every missionary gets that, so we are definitely counting our blessings.
So on the way to Riverside, the GPS we had borrowed decided not to work. So... We went with our gut on California's ridiculously complicated freeway system, and well.... we accidentally left the mission (by the way, you can get sent home for leaving the mission). We realized what we had done and flipped an immediate slightly illegal U-Turn, and got back into the mission as soon as we could. We called President Mullen immediately and left a voicemail begging for forgiveness. He called us back later that evening and basically said "Your sense of direction is terrible but I still love you". So. We're all good. :)
Last PDay, we went to Chipotle for lunch. I ended up getting guacamole all down my shirt, so we had to go to Goodwill to try to find another shirt (we wouldn't have time to go back to the apartment). I found a Luluroe dress for 8 dollars! Steal! They're pretty expensive normally, so I was stoked. Later that evening, we realized we had lost our phone! We looked everywhere and were stressing out hardcore. A member called Goodwill for us to see if it was there and the worker said she couldn't find it. We went to our apartment, tore it apart, and all to no avail. We prayed, and got in the car. We felt prompted to go back to Goodwill. We drove there, stressing the heck out, and we got there, and the phone was there!!! Blessings. <3 Prayer is real! 

We also had interviews with President Mullen! Those are always a treat :) A nerve wracking, anxiety inducing treat. ;) We basically just talk about the things you're doing well and the things you can work on. It's pretty great. At the end, we get to ask him ANY question we want. Most of us go with deep doctrine questions. :) It's always wonderful to hear his answer and gain his insight.
So, we don't have a GPS. Sister Turner had one, but now she's in Menifee. We borrowed one to go to Riverside (which worked wonders.......) but getting around Hemet without an updated map has been.... interesting... yeah. We'll go with interesting... I've lost count of the amount of UTurns we've done. But it's fine. You live and you learn. :)
We picked up a new investigator! Her name is Kim. She's a sweetie. She was a referall from a previous investigator! We went over to her house and she was going through a really hard time and asked us to come back in a couple of days. Her car wouldn't start and she had to take her grandkids back to their parents. So, we left. But before we left, we said a quick prayer in the car that her car would start soon. We went back a couple of days later, and Kim said that about 10 minutes after we left, her car started! She had no clue what happened or why it started, but it did! See, the Lord answers prayers! She invited us in and we taught a quick lesson, and she invited us back! We'll be going back this week. Hopefully all goes well. :)
Our other investigator, Linda, is amazing. We taught her the Law of Chastity and she LOVED it. But she told us right after that she was moving to Fruitvale! :( She came to church the next day and we got her connected with her new missionaries. It was super sad. :( We love her to death and wanted to teach her to the end. She adores us, so it was hard on everyone. BUT! She called us a couple hours ago and the apartment she was moving to fell through! AND She found a place IN OUR AREA! She moves in tomorrow! We were all singing hallelujahs! We love her so much and we cant' wait to see how the Gospel blesses her life :)
That's all for now. I hope you're all doing amazing! I love you all so much! <3
Love from California,
Sister Roberts 

  Sister Garlitz REALLY loved Chipotle Guac.... That's all I can say.
 I FOUND MARSHA! This is the first car I ever drove and I drove her all through highschool and college. <3 Marsha is short for marshmallow, cause well... she looks like a marshmallow. :) My best friend, Liz, named her. <3

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