Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Puppies, Googley Eyes, and VIP Access to Church Material

Yo yo yo yo! What's up, Idaho??

This week has been interesting. Odd, but good. We ended up going to Riverside again for another thing, BUT we successfully stayed in the mission! #MissionAccomplished
I really love Riverside. It's so much... bigger with more culture and diversity and places to go and things to see. I really hope I get to serve up there sometime in my mission. It's quite beautiful too! Plus, I want to be out of Hemet by the time summer starts up. Hemet is the hottest part of the mission. Anza/Idyllwild is the coolest (it's on a mountain, the sisters who serve there get a pick up truck to drive). So! I want to be there for the summer. But Heavenly Father knows where I need to be, I don't (as much as I think I do sometimes). But Hemet IS wonderful :) I have the best ward known to mankind. Just saying. Valle Vista is incredible. The members here are mostly converts and they are just.... amazing people. <3 They warm my heart so much.

We've made some progress with our investigator Linda! She's on date to be baptized on March 20th! She is SO excited. She wishes it could be tomorrow. :) She met the Bishop of our ward yesterday and was a little starstruck. ;) She loves the Gospel so much. Linda has more faith than I've ever really see a person have. She just leaves it all up to God and does her part at the same time. She works hard and knows God loves her and is looking out for her. She doesn't get tripped up on little things and instead looks to the large picture. I swear she teaches us more than we teach her. We taught her about the Word of Wisdom! SHE LOVED IT! She said, "well everything makes sense! But what about Tea and Coffee? Those aren't bad!" We explained to her the idea of addiction and how Heavenly Father wants us to be free from those, even if it's coffee. We all know people who can't wake up without their "cup of Jo" in the morning. When we mentioned that, she was like "OH! That makes so much sense! God doesn't want us to be enslaved to substances! He wants us to respect our bodies and be healthy so we can be closer to Him!". Not even kidding. She. Is. Amazing. I was like "Exactly! You are so good!" and was just so excited :) And then she said "God is just SO good! He really looks out for us!". My heart was so touched. As members of the Church, we take a lot of this stuff for granted, or even rebel against the love and compassion God has for us. We think that the commandments that God has given us are restrictions on our fun and freedom, when in reality, they are the things that make us free. Because we KNOW that we shouldn't drink alcohol, smoke or use tobacco, or other addictive substances, we know that we are free from addictions that control and destroy lives, bodies, and families. Because we know about the Law of Chastity and that we shouldn't have intimate relationships before marriage and remain completely faithful and loyal to your spouse after marriage, we're free from abortion, STDS, teen pregnancy, heart break, and common causes of divorce. These laws that we have are hard to live. But the consequences that come from NOT living them are even harder. God wants to spare us the heartache, but He will never take away our freedom to choose. So, He guides us and gives us commandments to spare us as much as we are willing to be spared. How beautiful is that?? <3

We've been working with a couple other investigators as well. I can't remember if I ever told you guys about Bear, but he's an awesome guy. He's best friends with the bishop of our ward. He has a handlebar mustache, a pony tale, rides a Harley, and wears leather. He's also the kindest, most whimsical human ever. You should see him with little kids. It's adorable. He's the kind of guy that would put on a tiara and pink feather boa to make his daughter happy as he sips water out of a little plastic cup with his pinkie up for their pretend tea party. It's. So. Cute. He's a little be more slow progressing as an investigator, but he's made huge strides since we started teaching him. Slow and steady wins the race. We want to baptize converts, true converts. And being truly converted takes time. :)

We're also teaching Kim, but we just picked her up this week. I wasn't at the first lesson because we went on splits so we could get twice as much work done. I went and taught a less active member with Sister Moore while Sister Garlitz taught Kim with a member. According to Sister G, it went well. So we'll see how everything progresses. :)

Update on the Macias Family!!!!! Both Victor Sr and Victor Jr got the priesthood! Victor Jr passed the sacrament this week and I teared up. <3 It's incredible to see the growth in people you teach. They all got their temple recommends (except Ruby, she's only 10) and we SO excited to show us! This Saturday, our ward is having a "New and Returning Members Temple Day" so all the new people can go together to the temple and participate in some of the ordinances done there! They are SO excited and I'm so excited for them! Only 11 more months until they get to be sealed together as a forever family. <3 I will be there for that, and I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

We as missionaries get to go to the temple this week! I AM SO EXCITED! I miss the temple SO badly. I worked there as an ordinance worker once a week before I came on my mission and it changed my life. I'm not even kidding. It's my favorite place in the whole world. I go there and SO much peace comes over me. I feel like I'm finally home. I've had more spiritual experiences there than I can count. Missionary work is hard. It's physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. To be quite frank, it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. That's why so many missionaries return home early. So being able to go to the temple, receive that peace and edification is SUCH a huge blessing. It's a place to put off the cares of missionary work and just... be. I can't describe it. But I can't even tell you how grateful and excited I am to go. <3

The Church has a new Easter video! IT'S AMAZING! We were trained on how to use the video this week, and let me tell ya. I'm so excited for you guys to see it! It comes out next sunday! The website will be called FollowHim.Mormon.org
and the video is so so so soooooooo good. I love that we get to see these things before the rest of the church. It makes me feel special. I only get 18 months of VIP access, so I'm gonna live it up. ;) hahaha jk.

Well, that's it! I love you all SO MUCH! Have an amazing week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

 Me with a Corgi Puppy... I cried when I picked it up. I LOVE ANIMALS SO MUCH. Especially puppies. <3
  Sister Garlitz and I switched glasses for a moment....
 Starbucks run! (All drinks consumed were Word of Wisdom approved. Promise)
 Sister Garlitz with Googly eyes that we found outside of our apartment....

 Sister Moore with said googley eyes
 Me with said googly eyes.....

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