Monday, March 21, 2016

Temple Weeks Are My Favorite Weeks

This week has been a blur! Things have been kind of crazy! But amazing. :) We went to the temple this week and it was AMAZING. It was exactly the thing I needed. The temple helps us feel so much peace. I can't even describe it. I walk in there, and it's like I'm finally home. Truly home. It's God's house, so I can see why it's so amazing. The Redlands temple is tiny, but incredible nonetheless. As you travel to the temple, you can't help but feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. You feel the burdens of your family, your friends, your investigators, and those you care about. But as you walk through the doors, you feel the Savior lift those burdens from you. I am so incredibly grateful for the temple. It's my favorite place in the whole world. As a missionary, I've come to have a much deeper understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And because of Him, we are able to have these temples where the work of salvation is done and where families are sealed together for time and all eternity. I am forever grateful. 

Speaking of temples, the Macias family went to the temple this past Saturday to do baptisms! I can't even tell you how full my heart is. The told us about their experience with tears in their eyes, because of the Spirit that was felt there. Victor Sr did work for his father. He was telling us about it and you could see that it had changed him. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he said "I finally know that this is God's church. The temple helped me know that". On TOP of that, he finished the Book of Mormon on Sunday! We taught them Sunday afternoon, and he told me "3rd Nephi sealed the deal for me. I was reading it, and I just felt the Spirit confirm to my heart that I had found Christ's church. I have been searching all my life, and I've found it". Tears came to my eyes, guys. I couldn't help it. I do so much more tear shedding as a missionary than I ever did as a Gentile (in mission terms, we use the word "gentile" to denote our time before and after the mission. So, my first name "Sydney" is my Gentile name. I'm now called Sister Roberts). My heart is so full. <3 

We also picked up an investigator! His name is William! He's a Jehovah Witness, but doesn't seem to active in his religion. He was a referral from a friend, and when we knocked on his door he asked us to come back on Sunday. Well, we did, not expecting much, and he was all ready! He had been waiting for us and was so excited to hear about our message of Jesus Christ! We had him listen to the new Easter Video (He's blind, so he couldn't see it) and he loved it! Here's the link to the video.
It's such a great video! Make sure you watch it and share it with your friends and those who need a pick me up. <3 It's only 2 minutes long and shows people from all around the world! It really helps you feel the Spirit. Anywho, William loved the video, invited us to come back and share more, and then gave us some oranges from his tree :) He's the sweetest, coolest, awesomest dude ever. Can't wait to go back and teach him! :) 
Linda is super sick :( She missed her interview and church because of the flu. We moved her baptism back to the day before Easter. :) What better time to get baptized and show Heavenly Father that you want to follow His son, Jesus Christ, than Easter?? Other than that, she's doing pretty great. <3 I'm so proud of how far she's come. :)
We ate dinner at the Chadwells on Saturday night. They are the craziest, funniest people ever. Sister Chadwell is Creole. Her food is fantastic, but it usually gives me an upset stomach. XD They all call us "elders" because they think that's what missionaries are called. hahahaha we don't have the heart to break the truth to them, so we just let them do it. :) She taught us about P.H.A.T meaning: Pretty Hot and Tempting. Apparently it's an adjective. Loving it!
On a sad note, I was notified today that my favorite science teacher in the whole world, Mr. Trople, passed away last week unexpectedly at age 42. To my MMACHS family, I want you to know that I love you guys so much. And I'm there in spirit. Mr Trople, I'm so sorry I never got to tell you in person how grateful I am to have had a teacher like you. You built a love of science in your students and you cared more about us than I think we will ever understand. I'm sorry I never apologized for being the worst student ever, but know that the lessons you taught more than prepared me for college, they prepared me for life. You are already dearly loved and missed. We'll see you in the next life <3
I know that Christ lives. I know He is my Savior. And I know that because He overcame death, we too, will overcome death. "In Christ alone, my hope is found. He is my light, my strength, my song. This cornerstone, this solid ground. Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. My comforter, my all in all. Here in the love of Christ, I stand". I add my testimony to all of those who have gone before me. Because of Him, I never have to fear. I will never go through this life alone. He has felt every pain, every heartache, every fear, every sadness, and every disappointment that I have felt, feel, and will feel. He also has felt yours. Through His infinite love, grace, and mercy, we can walk through life with joy knowing that we can return to live with our Father in Heaven.
I love you all so much! 
Sister Roberts 

 Pic 1: Redlands Temple trip!
 Pic 2: Our photographer, Sister Wuehler, told us to do a hair flip. This is the result...
Pic 3: Sister Turner's amazing work. <3 Miss you boo!

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