Monday, April 18, 2016

I Love California. It's Official. #TraitorAndIDontEvenCare

Beautiful humans (which is all of you. FYI).
I've converted. It's official. I love California. It's so dang beautiful. And the members here are incredible. And the culture is awesome (mainly cause it's a giant melting pot of cultures and it's the BEST). It's hot, but I've gotten more used to it. I get cold super easy. XD There's SO many cool places to go, things to see, etc. And by the way, the Zone I'm in is the BEST zone ever. Oh, and Hine Family, you're gonna love this. Elder Whiting is my District Leader. I keep forgetting to tell you guys that. For the rest of you, Elder Whiting and I had never met previous to the mission, but he knows my family, we have matching bags from the MTC, we served in the same zone for 5 months in Hemet, and now, he's my District Leader. #WhitingNeedsToStopCopyingMe #Rude #JKHesASuperCoolKid #OopsMeantElder
This week has been great. :) It's been a long week, but a good one. I'm super glad it's Pday, that's all I gotta say. It's a nice little physical and mental break. :) We TWO super awesome Service Projects! The first one was at a local elementary school! We built, painted, put together, and set up a bunch of "back pack boards". These kids usually put their backpacks everywhere and it's untidy. But, now, they hang them on these super awesome boards we built. They're super long wood boards are attached to the wall, painted blue, with super cool handles/knobs all down them to hang backpacks. The handles are all different, so its really awesome and artsy looking. Second, we served at a local thrift store/food give out. The elders put together these giant baskets of food for the needy while the Sisters served in the thrift store, sorting clothes, shoes, other random things, and cleaning. We got to set out a bunch of free shoes for the homeless! I can't even tell you how much it filled my heart to serve. It's true that when you need a little bit of heart healing, the best thing to do is to turn outward to those in need and serve them, because as you give Christ like service, those little cracks in your heart are filled by the Person in which you are emulating (aka, the Savior, Jesus Christ). It's incredible and I testify that as we act the way Christ would act, think what He would think, and say what He would say, our own hearts and souls heal in ways we never thought possible. So, get out and serve! There is the AWESOME website called :) it has a BUNCH of community projects where you are! And if you need help with anything, you can put it on the website, and people looking to do service sign up and come volunteer! It's amazing. #TechnologyIsABlessing
We went on exchanges this week, and I was with Hermana Rassmussen in my area! Which was terrifying, because I had only been in the area for 3 weeks and knew absolutely nothing and was taking over the area for a day. So. Stressful. I can't even tell you. But, Hermana Rassmussen was the sweetest, coolest, most awesome person ever. She made me feel super comfortable and I learned so much from her! She's an awesome lady. :) Plus, we did SUPER awesome work that day. You know that feeling of exhaustion after a day of REALLY hard work? You know how satisfying and awesome it is? Yeah. #LoveIt
We had a stake missionary breakfast as well! It was at 7 am, so we had to get up at 5 to get everything ready to go. Thought I was gonna die, but it was an amazing experience. The Stake leaders were there and we got to meet them and know them. They are superrrrr awesome. The day after, we had a Stake Missionary Corelation Meeting, which means that alllll the missionaries in the stake got together with alllll the ward mission leaders, plus President Mullen, plus the Stake President, plus the rest of the Stake leadership. And we go over everythingggg. But, to make a long meeting short, the main point can be summed up in one quote from the Stake Leadership, "This zone of missionaries is the best we've ever seen. We were talking with each of you, and had an overwhelming sense of awe of how incredible and hard working you are. Amazing things are happening in Corona, and because of you Elders and Sisters, it can all be made reality. And you better tell your family and friends how amazing we think you are." So yeah. We're amazing apparently? haha But I followed instructions, so there ya go.
We hit the pavement hard this week. We've found a lot of potential investigators, talked with SO many people about the gospel, and picked up two new investigators! Their names are Louisa and Regina! They are sisters and are some of the strongest, most incredible women I've had the pleasure of meeting. They've both had such difficult lives, but instead of turning away from God and asking "why me?" they turn towards Him and ask "what can I learn from this? And what can I teach others from this?". They. Rock. Can't wait to meet with them this week. :)
Anywho, I'm out of time. I love you all so much. But as much as I love you, there's Others who love you infinitely more than I, and they're Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. They adore you, and all they want for you is happiness, both in this life and the life to come. You are Heavenly Fathers literal Spiritual son or daughter. He knows you better than you know yourself. And He loves you, and all of His children, more than you can possibly imagine. Go to Him. Run to Him. He will welcome you with arms open wide time and time again, no matter who you are or what you've done. This is my testimony.
Sister Roberts 

 JK Rowling wrote an awesome speech at Harvard, this is the book version. Totally buying it when I get home.
 Elder Whiting and Elder Beck playing guitar. #SuperGood #PDayIsTheBest
Our zone playing a board game. It gets super heated with debate. XD I think it's called Alliance or something? Not sure. But basically it's Mafia in a card game.

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