Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 25

Hey guys!
We had Multi-zones this week! It went super well. President Mullen trained us on quite a few different things. First of all, my heart goes out to Japan and Ecuador. Sister Mullen notified us of all the natural disasters and my prayers are definitely with them. Scary times do come, but through the Savior, we can feel peace through it all.
We've gone on about a million splits this week, which means that both Sister Meza and I pick a member and that member becomes our companion for about an hour while we go visit people, thus getting twice the amount of work done. It's great! We picked up an investigator named Karen! She plays Goofy at Disneyland! Not even kidding. #CaliforniaProbs She walks around in a super hot suit and makes children happy all day long. She absolutely LOVES it. I think it would be pretty great too, till I passed out due to heat exhaustion. ;) (we all know I don't do heat) She has quite a few brain tumors, one of which is active, so her life is pretty scary right now. She was super excited to learn more and we're getting an appointment set up to see her.
We also tried to pick up another investigator, who's name is Chris... He just had his second daughter, he's about 20 years old, and he seemed super interested in the Gospel. However, he texted us and asked us if we could "chill and get some drinks ;)".... yeah..... Pretty sure he's more interested in Sister Meza than the actual gospel. #ProblemsOfHavingAnAdorableCompanion #AintNobodyGotTimeForDat #JesusOverBoys #SavingSoulsBetterThanAnythingIncludingFlirtyMen #WinkyFacesEqualCreepyIfComingFromRandomMan
On Friday, we did more service at the Thrift Store! It was pretty great. :) On Saturday, it was a world wide "Just Serve" day! So, we did FIVE hours of straight service split up between 3 different projects, which included planting a bajillion trees (still got blisters on my hands from shoveling dirt), mulching a bunch of trees, and painting the community center for a local theatre team. We were all pooped at the end of the day, but there is no feeling like serving others. It's incredibly satisfying and helps you get out of your own head. :) #BrainBreak
We taught at a baptism on Sunday. The girl baptized was Kim. She is another set of missionaries' investigator, however we taught her once a week as she came to Book of Mormon study class. We. Love. Her. It was an honor to be there for the most beautiful day of her life. We taught about the Restoration and it was INCREDIBLY spiritual. I'm am SO happy for Kim!!!!!!! <3
Well, that's all folks. Love ya. Make good decisions. Return with honor. Remember who you are. Plus all the other incredibly cheesy mormon mom goodbyes.
Sister Roberts

  Found a little piece of home at the grocery store. :) 
 More zone game fun :) #PDayIsTheBestDay
 All the sisters! :) <3 Sister Turner, my trainer, is right below me!
 Service. Planting trees is hard. They had to call in City Workers too. XD 
  Missionaries aren't allowed to use ladders.... sooo.... we improvised. 
Kims telling us about how her mom used the same towel when she was baptized into the church

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