Thursday, April 7, 2016

Jumping Fences, Crashing into Bushes, and General Conference. #Corona

Hello All!
Well let me tell you. Corona is BEAUTIFUL! It's SO green and is pretty gosh darn incredible! It's a very wealthy area, so the work here is a bit.... more difficult than Hemet (the ghetto). But alas! We're hitting the pavement and planting lots of seeds. :) Corona is on a giant incline... So, we get to bike down it! It's so fun! You just sit there and got like.... way too fast. But.... we then have to bike up the hill.... anddddd we die. Not even kidding. Well, I die. Sister Meza, not so much. She's a beast. :) We're half car, half bike. It's a Ford Fusion, and it's amazinggggggggggg. Love that car. Our apartment is tiny, but SO nice. It's like.... 5 billion steps up from Hemet. Just saying. It's a 1 bedroom and is on the second floor, but hey, the dishwasher works, we have laundry facilities on our porch, a couch, fairly large closet, and white cabinets that I think are adorable. :) Bike life is.... interesting. It's definitely difficult. 1: It's WAY hot. 2: You sweat WAY TOO MUCH. 3: It's on a hill. 4: I've never been so saddle sore in my life. Not even kidding. I can't even sit very well and I have bruises all over from running into bushes and my bike malfunctioning. I went about 10 feet and the chain came off.... But on the plus side, I now know how to fix a bike chain. :) It's a super good workout too. I can feel the muscles coming in. ;) Oh, and I'm NOT getting sunburnt, so I smell like sweat and sunscreen everywhere I go..... #LoveIt
Sister Meza is my companion and she's AWESOME. She's pretty hardcore. She taught me how to jump a fence the other day. In a skirt. Yup. I can now jump fences in a skirt. #SisterMissionaryLife 
She's from Chicago! Her dad is from Ecuador! She's super artsy and creative, and she also is super hardworking and awesome. :) I'm super grateful to be her companion. :)
Tender Mercy of the Week: We were at Walmart earlier today buying groceries and other items. A lady comes up to me as we're checking out and says "I have sons on missions. I know how hard it is, so I'm going to buy your groceries today". I almost cried. Missionaries have to be superrrrr frugal because we're only given a small amount every month to cover food and necessities. She was the SWEETEST LADY EVER. <3 Super grateful! So, if you see missionaries in your area, all I ask is that you be kind and loving towards them, even if you aren't a member of the church. Our job is really hard, and all we want to do is help others. It's okay if you're not interested in the message we share, seriously. Just be kind, my friends. <3 You might make the missionaries day. We get a lot of rude people, so it's nice to see a kind person. And, if you want to do more for them, PLEASE DO! Offering them water is a huge blessing to us. If you feel like buying an icecream cone for them, go for it. It doesn't need to be a huge thing. We're immensely grateful for kind people.
If you are a member, PLEASE, do your best to work with the missionaries. I cannot tell you how important members are to this work. Go on splits with them, team ups, invite friends over for dinner with the missionaries, talk to investigators at church and make them feel comfortable. Ask the missionaries what they need, and I promise, you will be an answer to their prayers. 
General Conference was AMAZING! Oh my goodness. I loveeeeeeee it. I went in with a question that has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind for awhile. I prayed about it and pleaded for an answer. You see, I'm a super logical, scientific person. And I believe in the Gospel with all my heart. But, I cannot say I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's true, like I know the sky is blue, because there's no way to physically prove God and Christ's existence. So, that's bugged me for awhile. I prayed for guidance and inspiration to help me reconcile everything and have peace spoken to my soul. And let me tell you, it sure happened. <3 I was listening to Sister Oscarson's talk very closely. And it hit me. I felt the thought come to me that said "You don't need to know it all right now. But, you do need to believe. So, do you?". Tears came to my eyes and I knew with my whole heart that the Holy Ghost had spoken to me directly to help me overcome the question that I have. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I do truly believe, from the deepest part of my soul, that this work is true. That Christ is my Savior. That Heavenly Father loves me more than I can possibly fathom. That the Book of Mormon is indeed the word of God, along with the Bible. That I have the blessing and privilege of being with my family forever, as long as I live worthy of the covenants that I have made with my Father in Heaven. That Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet on earth during these latter days. And that Joseph Smith was the means in which God brought about the restoration of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ's, gospel. Are there faults and historical things to be examined? Yes. Absolutely. However, perfection is not a prerequisite for being a prophet. God works with the best He's got at the time, which are imperfect, biased, mortal men. But, He deals with it. So should we. God is infinitely patient and loving with us, and we should be with others. I can't tell you how much I love this work and how grateful I am to be here in Corona California to share with my beloved brothers and sisters that Christ is there. He always has been there. And He always will be.
I love you all so much, and I think about you everyday. My heart is so full. <3
Sister Roberts 

 Sister Meza loving the Indian Food
  Members here take us out to eat a lot! My first dinner in Corona: THAI FOOD! SO GOOD! Tofu curry. <3 
 Someone turned their entire front yard into a little train village. #Corona
 Happy P-Day Breakfast. :)
Zone Activity: Glow in the dark trash ball! SUPER FUN.

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