Tuesday, February 23, 2016

There's a First Time For Everything...

So this week was.... odd. 

We got a referral and went to go contact her. We open her gate, knock on her front door.... and lo and behold, the back door opens from the other side of the house. She walks around, starts yelling at us, releases her "terrifying" dogs on us (who were super nice by the way and wanted belly rubs), and screams until we leave. As we were walking away, I turned around and said "I hope you have a better day!" (because it was the nicest sassiest thing I could say to her at the time) and she raised her hand which had pepperspray in it, and threatened to spray me with it. So yeah.... Hopefully the first and last time I'll be threatened with pepperspray in my life. XD  Slightly terrifying, but alas, thus we see that the Lord protects his servants :) I shouldn't have been sassy with her though. The sass just comes out of me sometimes. I can't help it. But don't worry, I DID repent of my sassy ways. 

We picked up an investigator named Linda! She is the SWEETEST. She referred herself on Mormon.org . We have her a Book of Mormon and she's already in Moroni! She's even been underlining! She came to church and LOVED IT! And.... she's on date to be baptized on March 20th!!!! Ahh! I'm so happy! She is SUCH a rockstar and has been prepared for her whole life to be taught by us. She loves us and we love her. :) 

We've continued teaching Tuila and Janet. We've been teaching them for awhile. They are awesome! They just don't progress as quickly as some of our other investigators. But as missionaries, we need to learn to be more patient with the people we teach. Not everyone can be the Macias family. ;) 

We went on exchanges this week! Sister Garlitz and I went with Hermana Rutherford to Riverside!!! She's a Spanish speaking Sister Training Leader! So we got to nod along in all of the lessons because we understood maybe 2% of everything being said. XD But it was a pretty amazing experience! We also went to Feeding America and volunteered for awhile! We sorted lots of stuff and weighed lots of stuff. :) It was so fun! It's incredibly humbling as well. I'm so grateful I've always had food to eat. Not everyone is so lucky. <3 We had $20 from a member to buy dinner, but we only wanted milkshakes. As we were driving to the Carls Junior, we saw a homeless man. So we went to Carls Junior, got us milkshakes, and bought the homeless man some tacos. We still have 5 dollars left over, so we just put it in the Taco Bag. We drove up to him and handed it to him, and let me tell you... he was so grateful. I almost started crying. When you see people on the street, it is NOT your job to judge them or say "well maybe if you stopped buying drugs/alcohol/etc you wouldn't be here" or "if you got a job, you'd be fine". That is not your job. We are ALL beggars when it comes to the atonement. Have we not all begged for forgiveness from at one point? Have not all approached the mercy seat and plead for mercy? "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:37–40.)" We are called to love, not judge. 

Well, that's about it for this week. Other than the fact that it was 97 degrees when we were walking the other day. Almost died. Probs gonna die in the summer. But it's fine. Totally fine. XD 

I love you all so very much. <3 I miss you more than you can imagine. 

 We tried this awesome pizza place in Riverside called Blaze. It's a "make your own" kinda like Subway or Chiptole. It was divine! 

 ​Hermana Rutherford and Sister Garlitz!!! <3
 ​This was when it was 97 degrees outside. I was dying. Just saying. #IMissIdaho
The most divine chocolate cake known to man. Just so you know.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Greetings from warm and sunny California! 

This week has been insane and amazing! Like the subject line says, Trio life is the best life! There's never silence because we all just chat and chat. :) We all have very different personalities, but we are working together so well! I am incredibly blessed to have these two stellar Sisters as my companions. Sister Garlitz reminds me of my Dad. She's of the same political party as him, has the same sense of humor, and absolutely loves the Beatles, the Who, and other classic music. We get in debates on occasion and it's all in good spirit and fun. She is from Mapleton Utah :) She's an extremely hard worker and I am learning so much from her! Sister Moore reminds me of my mom and is probably the most compassionate, loving, and service minded missionary I've met. She's from Hooper Utah, grew up on a farm, loves camping, and loves going on hikes. They are both very diligent about the work and I absolutely love working with them. 

We had Stake Conference this week, and it was a regional broadcast from Salt Lake! Elder Renlund, Elder Hamula, and Sister Oscarson all spoke! I LOVED IT. It was SUCH a great broadcast and you could really feel the Spirit SO strongly as they spoke. One of my favorite quotes was from Elder Hamula, who said that "Perfection is not a prerequisite for being a prophet". I loved that so much. He explained that the men who are called of God are imperfect human beings just like the rest of us. But the revelations they receive and share with the rest of the world to guide us ARE perfect. We need not hyperfocus on someone's imperfections, rather "By their fruits you shall know them". And the fruits from the prophets are incredible. Stand with them. They are inspired men and I know that they have been called of God. Sister Oscarson spoke of standing as a witness of God at all times, in all things, and of all places. She quoted someone else when she said "If someone were to accuse you of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Brothers and Sisters, I hope there is enough evidence! We need to have integrity and stand as representatives of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, even when we think no one is watching. We are not "Sunday Saints". We are everyday, striving to be better than we are, atonement utilizing, Christ loving, imperfect, humble, Christian latter day saints. Never, ever, ever check your religion at the door. Being a Christian is not a hobby, past time, or occasional when you have time activity. It is not merely a religion. It is a lifestyle. We are called to love ALL men, not just those we agree with. Elder Renlund spoke on loving all of our neighbors, not just those of our religion. He spoke of his wife, who has been a practicing attorney for 20 something years. It always amazing him how two attorneys could tear each other apart in the courtroom, yet sit down to each lunch with one another afterwards. He stated that when we disagree with someone, the Christian way to respond is "I see we are not going to agree on this particular topic. I like you. I respect you. And I hope you offer me the same courtesy". This, brothers and sisters, is how we should treat our fellow men. We never need to choose to either love our gay child or love our church. We never need to choose to love an alcoholic or love our doctrine. We never need to choose to love those who's lifestyles we do not subscribe to or love those who agree with our own lifestyles. These are not "either or" situations. These are "all of the above" situations! We love EVERYONE and offer everyone respect and tolerance. We stand for Christ. And as such, we need to represent Him well. Remember who you are, Whose you are, and Who you stand for! Christ loved all of His brothers and Sisters. Therefore, we need to love all of our brothers and sisters, no matter what. There are no ifs, buts, or exceptions. 

The rest of this week was spent trying to find people to teach. California weather is odd, let me tell you. We went walking this week and guess what... the temperature outside was 95 degrees. Apparently California did not get the memo that it is February. Summer is probably going to kill me, but it's fine. I'll die doing the Lord's work. :) I got my first sunburn! It wasn't too bad, but I've been lathering on the sunscreen ever since. The spray sunscreen works MUCH better than the lotion type. When you use the lotion type, you sweat and it gets in your eyes and you go blind. So... yeah. Sticking to the spray. XD I'm almost out, so if anyone wants to send me some.... just saying. ;) 

We picked up an investigator and her name is Linda! She is so prepared and excited about the Gospel! We started teaching her and she was LOVING it. However, she is most likely moving this week to another ward, so we're going to have to pass her over to those missionaries in that ward. :( I know they'll take great care of her though! 

The Macias family is doing GREAT by the way! They are absolutely loving the Gospel. They are growing, learning, and moving forward. They're preparing to go to the temple and Victor Sr and Victor Jr are preparing to receive the Aaronic Priesthood! I am SO excited for them! They are rockstars and I absolutely adore them. I've already decided that they are going to come to my wedding (if I ever find a suitable man, but that's another topic) and the kids will play their instruments for some of it, because they're so AMAZING! They're little musical prodigies! I can't wait till they are sealed together as a family next year! Odds are, I'll get to be there! Ahh! <3 <3 <3 

Anyways, I hope you all had a fantastic Valentines Day! Since it's the day of love, remember who you need to love first with all of your heart, might, mind and strength. (Hint hint, the answer is God). Remember all that He has done for you and for all of mankind. He loves you more than you can comprehend, hence why He sent His only begotten Son. Love Them. For They love you more than you can ever understand. <3 

Love from burning hot California,

Sister Roberts 

 Valentines Dinner at the VanJindelts! They made us heart napkins <3
Sorry, but this is the only picture of both amazing companions that I was able to get this week. Sister Garlitz is on the left (red cardigan) and Sister Moore is on the right (red scarf). :) I love them both SO much!!! <3 

Monday, February 8, 2016

There is Opposition in All Things Because Satan is a Jerk Face

Hello beautiful people!
This week has been.... insane. Insanely hard and insanely amazing. The hardest day on my mission was Thursday. We had some hiccups with the Macias family and the entire baptism was called off. Sister Turner and I had never been so heart broken or prayed so earnestly before. But prayers are answered! The next day, everything was resolved and the baptism went through as scheduled! <3 It was the most amazing day of my entire mission. The Spirit was SO strong and the entire family was so so so so happy. <3 The font didn't get filled up intime, so it was still running when the service started, but it all worked out beatifully. It's so odd how Satan works. He beats the poo out of you and makes it seem like everything is terrible. But, if you stick with Heavenly Father, you will always triumph. And that peace and joy you feel when you do outweigh the heartache you went through.
The Macias family was confirmed as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints yesterday during church! It was incredible. And get this... two of the Macias children, Amy and Victor 2.0, were blessed to serve full time missions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they said that, I literally bawled. I had to use tissues and everything! I just felt the Spirit soooo strongly, and the thought came to my mind "Heavenly Father is so pleased with the work you've done. Look, you've brought a family into the Gospel. And because of your work, they too, will bring others". It was the most comforting, amazing, reassuring feeling and thought. I am SO honored to be able to teach them. They are an incredible family. I feel like they are truly converted, as well. I have so much peace in my heart knowing that even though they will have really hard trials, they will ultimately stick with Jesus Christ and be an eternal family. What a supreme, amazing, comforting thing!
Funny moment of the week: It was testimony meeting this week, and a member's elderly father, who is from Tonga, is visiting. He speaks very limited English, but wanted to bear his testimony. So he and the daughter went up and she translated for him. Twenty minutes later, he was still up there going. She kept trying to tell him it was time to sit down, but he kept going and the whole congregation was laughing. Then the Bishop got up and gently told him that time was up, and he said "Okay" and then continued for another 10 minutes in Tongan. It. Was. HILARIOUS! The daughter ended up not even translating it at the end, because he went on so long. It was so cute. :)
Well other than that, there's not much to say. I love you all so much! Read your scriptures as a family! I know that it'll strengthen you so so so so much! 

PS: Sister Turner is being transferred to Menifee today! Super sad. :( But! I'm gaining two new companions! I'll be in a trio with Sister Moore and Sister Garlitz! Valle Vista, here we come! Taking over the area only after 12 weeks.... #terrified

 Sister Turner loves Jack in the Box tacos. :)
 Amy and our Ward Mission Leader, Brother Jones 

 Practicing being baptized with Kristina :) 
 Susan Macias (Mother) 
 Amy Macias (16)
 Entire Macias Family! From left to right, Sister Turner, Susan Macias, Kristina, Victor Sr, Rubie, Me, Victor 2.0, Amy :) 

 Love these girls so much <3 
 Look at those beautiful smiles <3 That's Sister Jones, by the way. She's our Ward Mission Leader's wife and we ADORE her. <3 
Teaching the children to play the "Human Knot". Super fun, also super painful. XD 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Everyone tells you hard and how amazing missionary work is. But no one, I repeat no one, told me just how much I could love and feel for our investigators. This past week has been an insane roller coaster. I've felt my heart break because their hearts were breaking. I've cried because of the trials and hardships they've had to endure. I've pleaded with my Father in Heaven for them, for their children, and for their peace.
But, I've also shed tears of joy as I see how much the Gospel blesses their lives. I've cried because of the Spirit testifying to me that what I'm teaching is true. I've cried when our investigators volunteer to pray, because when we first started teaching them, they refused. I've cried when they told us that they want to be baptized right now and not wait another week. And I've also cried when they walk out of their baptismal interviews with tears in their eyes because they know that they are officially cleared to be baptized. It. Is. Amazing. The love you feel for those you teach is intense. I can't describe it. It's the most beautiful, unexpected, wonderful feeling. The Macias family is being baptized this Friday at 7 pm (8 pm Idaho Time)!! Words cannot express how grateful and honored I am to have been one of the missionaries who had the honor of teaching them. They are an incredible family. They have gone through so much, and my heart feels like it gets wrung out when I hear about it. But my heart also swells with joy when they bare their testimony of the Savior and how grateful they are to know Him. After their baptismal interviews, Victor Senior pulled both Sister Turner and I aside and said "I just want to thank you two for being such a blessing to my family's life. You have brought so much peace to us". I cried the whole way home, not even kidding. I love them more than I ever thought I could love a family. We taught them about temples and how they can be sealed as a family for time and all eternity and Victor Sr said "Alrighty then! One year from now! February 5th, 2017 you are going to come see us become a forever family!". And again, tears. I feel like a blubbering mess this week, but I am SO grateful. This mission is amazing. The people are amazing. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here.
I was thinking the other day, and I came up with a list of all the good things that have come because of this mission. Here it is.
1: I feel the Spirit in ways I never thought possible.
2: I see miracles every day.
3: I have a deeper testimony of my Savior
4: I repent everyday for my mess ups and am extremely grateful for the opportunity to do so
5: I've met the most incredible people
6: My companion is the bomb.com and has taught me more about being a good missionary than anyone
7: I've felt a deeper love for my family and friends back home
8: The members of the church I've met make me want to be better everyday. They're incredible
9: I have a much more clear picture of my own divinity and who I am as a daughter of God and disciple of Christ.
10: I have more confidence in myself and my abilities
11: I have a deeper, more personal relationship with my Father in Heaven
12: I have a deep respect and love for the scriptures
13: My understanding of the atonement and the sacrifice that Christ made for me, and for everyone, has enlarged, and thus, so has my appreciation
14: I have realized what is important to me and what is not, and therefore have a clearer picture of what I want for my life and for my future. Consequently, the things I desire are very different than the things I've wanted and worked for previously. But I also have a deep peace in my heart and know that no matter what, as long as I stick with the Savior, I will be much more happy than I ever could be on my own.
15: I understand how to receive revelation for myself and how to communicate effectively with my Father. Prayer has become my favorite, most treasured thing.
And for all of these things, and so many more I've failed to list, I am extremely grateful. Serving a mission has been the best thing I've ever decided to do. I've learned so much and the blessings have been enumerable, and I've only been here for 3 months! I can't wait to see what the next 15 will bring <3
Everyone, I hope you know how incredible you are. I hope you know just how loved and adored you are by our Father in Heaven and by His Son, Jesus Christ. I hope you know how much I love you, pray for you, and think about you everyday. I also hope you know just how much impact you can have on those around you. You don't have to put on a missionary name tag like myself to be a missionary (But I highly recommend doing so). Be an example. Live your life in a way that will show others the Gospel and how much Christ loves them. "Preach the Gospel, and when necessary, use words." I want you to know I feel your prayers and that I am incredibly thankful for them. You are all incredible people. Remember that.
I love you all so much!
Sister Roberts

 I got to use an iPhone! Most glorious moment of my life. I miss technology.
 Christina Macias wanted to practice her camera skills, and this was the result. Not too shabby.
 All of the Macias children and Victor Senior! He's the one who's not smiling. XD He does smile! He just isn't a camera fan. The child at the top is Victor Jr (13) , then Amy (16) and me, then Ruby (10) on the left below Amy, with Christina (11) right next to her, and of course, Sister Turner :)
 Sister Turner's amazing drawing skills. President Mullen always asks us if we're on fire, and this was Sister Turner's interpretation, which we promptly mailed to him. :)

This is one of our VERY favorite members, Sister Johnson. :) We take selfies every week usually. She is my spirit animal <3