Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Life. Life is a thing that happens.

Hola mi calabacitas! <3 

As the subject line states, life is a thing that happens. So, I'm gonna tell you allllll about missionary life. Cause, well, that's what I do. 

I apologize for not emailing last week! PDay rolled around, we had all of our plans laid out perfectly. A member had made me a new wallet and so I transferred everything to the new one, including my library card so I could email, or so I thought. We pull up to the library late, and rush in. No library card to be seen. This library is also super strict. They will NOT let you have any of your account info unless you have the 7 digit code that is on... you guessed it... your library card, even if you present ID. Sigh. So I couldn't email at all. But I've been aching to email you all this week! I apologize for not emailing last week! PDay rolled around, we had all of our plans laid out perfectly. A member had made me a new wallet and so I transferred everything to the new one, including my library card so I could email, or so I thought. We pull up to the library late, and rush in. No library card to be seen. This library is also super strict. They will NOT let you have any of your account info unless you have the 7 digit code that is on... you guessed it... your library card, even if you present ID. Sigh. So I couldn't email at all. But I've been aching to email you all this week! I promise that I'll attempt to make up for it. :) 

My trainer, my mission mom, my sister from another mister, my rock, and quite possibly one of my favorite people, Sister Turner, headed home last week. Even though she is only two transfers older than me in the mission, she went home. Let me tell you all a little something about Sister Turner. She's freaking amazing. She has really been a huge example to me of the type of missionary, woman, and ultimately human that I want to be. Despite her amazingness, the Lord has seen fit to put her body through terrible and extremely difficult things which has called for an honorable early release. Sister Meza and I went to her Farewell Luncheon at the Mission Home last week, and as I walked away, I felt a little part of my heart stay there with her. She is now home in El Paso Texas and is doing amazingly well. I know this was the Lord's will for her. And that He has SO many amazing things planned for her. <3 I love you Sister Turner!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This mission has sent home 8 missionaries early in the past transfer due to illness. In the past two weeks, they have sent home 4. It's a testament to me that the Lord knows us all very intimately. He knows our struggles. He knows our pains. And He knows what is best for us to obtain a full and complete happiness both in this life and the next. We need to trust Him. His plan is always, always, ALWAYS so much better than our own. I promise. <3 

Miracle story: Heather, one of our solid investigators, texted us and told us she no longer wanted to take the lessons. We never texted her back because we had no clue what to say. A few days later, I had a prompting to send her a text inviting her to our Book of Mormon class. I thought "Well, couldn't hurt" and sent it. While we were teaching the class, we got a call from her saying she was coming! She came straight from work while picking up her two little boys and came. While there, she requested a blessing. She realized that everything she had been going through was Satan attempting to pull her away from Christ and that she wasn't going to let him win. So, she  asked that we teach her again! We went to teach her, and she stated that she wants to be baptized! So, she's on date to be baptized on July 24th along with her 15 year old daughter Bailey. :) She's doing SO well, infact, that we may be moving the date up. :) #ThereCanBeMiraclesWhenYouBelieve #ShoutOutToPrinceOfEgyptSoundTrack 

The rest of the week/last week was interesting. Both Sister Meza and I took turns being pretty sick. But we were still able to get out there and work :) 

By the way, It's 114 degrees today. All of you Idahoans can stop complaining about your weather. ;) 

We had transfer calls on Saturday! And Sister Meza and I will be staying together for another transfer, for a total of 3 transfers so far, or 4 and a half months. :) We're excited! We've learned and grown so much together and can't wait to continue the work here in Corona together. <3 

That's all folks. LOVE YOU! 
Sister Roberts

 Hermana Madrid on the hike. (We hiked for 3 hours. #FeelingLikeABeast)
  I found California's solution to the drought!!! ;) The only natural water I've ever seen here. 
  Hikes are beautiful. <3
 We went on a hike and found little Newts. I attempted to turn this one into a prince. #DontJudgeMe
  The newt's name is Giovanni. I love him. <3 
 The new wallet. 
 Elder Uasike, our District Leader, heads home . He finished his 24 months! He's been wonderful. :) (Ps, he plays football at USU and is quite possibly the largest man I've ever seen. I shake his hand and it's like an adult shaking a newborns hand. No joke.)
 My favorite part of our apartment. <3 I love those flowers so much. SO PRETTY!
 Sister Turner's farewell. </3 (She's the one to my right, your left)
Us and our favorite investigator, Zoey. She is SO ready to be baptized, but her parents have not yet consented. However, she comes to church every week by herself, has a calling in the Beehive Presidency, and is a BOMB missionary. She always invites her friends to learn more. <3 Love her

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