Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Week of Crazy Hotness

Hola familia!
Not much has happened this week at all. It's been uber slow. BUT! We taught Karen about the Plan of Salvation and she absolutely loved it! We're teaching her tonight as well and will be teaching the Word of Wisdom. :) Hopefully it goes well. Fingers crossed! It got SUPER hot this week. Like. Crazy hot. It was like 110 or something and we were out in it. There was a breeze, but it was a hot breeze. It literally felt like someone was blowing a hot hair dryer on you all day. But alas, we were hydrated and pushed through. :) We teach a Book of Mormon class weekly, and while we were at the church, the Bishop asked us to come into his office, and sitting there was a lady who was not of our faith, who is going through a realllllly hard time and just felt prompted to come to our church and talk with someone. We talked with her for a little bit, and we really tried to help her as best as we could, but some things are out of our reach. But, nothing is out of God's reach. Absolutely nothing. God is always there for us as long as we are willing to even glance His direction. She was a lovely woman and she gave us a hug afterwards. 
Other than that.... this week has been nothing but walking in the heat, knocking on doors where no one answers, and studying the scriptures. I read the Book of Esther (which I absolutely ADORE by the way) and was blown away by her faith and humility. She was willing to put her life at risk in order to attempt to save her people. Not only that, but she didn't lean on her own understanding or talent to do so, but she leaned on God. She fasted for 3 days and invited her people to do so as well. Her automatic reaction was to turn towards God for His strength and guidance. Are we doing that? Are we automatically turning to Him? If we aren't, I invite you to do so. Just give Him a chance. He can do so much more with our lives than we can ever do on our own. If we take His hand, He will lead us to the path where we will be ultimately happy. 
This week, I've been noticing just how much I need to study the scriptures every day. Because of unforeseen circumstances, both Sister Meza and I were not able to do them one day. That day, I was completely off. I just felt so far from my Father. I never want to feel like that, nor do I want any of you to feel like that. When I study the scriptures, I get something from them everyday. There's things that really stick out to me that have never stuck out to me before. There's always inspiration, answers to questions I have, comfort, and guidance. I love the scriptures so much. As I study and feast upon the Words of God, I am filled in a way that I never thought possible. It fills holes in my heart and soul that I didn't even know was there. Take out your Bible. Take out your Book of Mormon (if you have one. If you don't, ask the missionaries. They'll hook ya up). Study from them everyday. Even if it's only a couple of verses a day, do it. As a representative of Jesus Christ, I promise you that you will notice a difference in your life.
Well, that's about it. I love you all so much!
Sister Roberts 

 Part of Corona that I've never been to before. This is the Temescal Valley Ward area, and we were helping them out that day.
 Sister Meza holding Fred that geko. :) He's a cutie and SO mellow and soft! I love the guy. I held him as well. He just chills on your shoulder. :) 
We had Crossfit today. This is Sister Meza and Sister Nai'i. She's from Sydney, Australia. :) Coolest lady ever.

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