Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ohhhh How the Weeks Go By


Sorry I didn't email yesterday! It's memorial day and the library where we email was closed, plus the office of computers at our apartment complex was also closed. But alas! I'm emailing now and will do my best to make up for it. :) Most holidays don't mean too much to missionaries simply because nothing changes. We still follow our schedule and still go out and invite people to learn more about Jesus Christ. But I want to say that I'm so grateful for the amazing men and women who have given their lives for this incredible country in which we live. God bless America!
We definitely had a slow week last week. Like.... slower than an old lady with a walker in a marathon. Not even kidding. It was rough. BUT! We had so many tender mercies and blessings! We were able to go to the Temple on Tuesday! It was the most amazing thing in the whole world. <3 It really just... seals the cracks in your heart. The temple is the best place in the universe. As many of you know, I had the privilege of working in the temple before I left as an Ordinance Worker before I left on my mission. Doing that built the deepest love and respect for the House of the Lord. I have a real deep testimony of temples. As you go through the old testament and read about their temples and what was in them, it's amazing to see the parralels and things that are the same. If you haven't looked up pictures of temples (including the inside) you're missing out. It's incredibly beautiful. Like the font. It's placed on twelve oxen (representing the 12 tribes of Isreal), which is found in the temples of the Old Testament. There's a bunch of other things there as well that are the same, but I want you to look it up and learn for yourselves. :) I took a question to the temple and prayed to have it answered. As I was there, I didn't receive an answer. However, about an hour later as I was conversing with a member, something they said hit me like a school bus and I knew it was an answer from Heavenly Father. <3 I am so grateful that we can receive revelation from God in these latter days.
We also were able to do some service at a local elementary! We went in and helped teachers move their stuff from one classroom to the other, since it's the end of the school year and things needed to get set up for the next. I love doing service! Those who work at the school have grown to love the missionaries and understand that we're not just some random people showing up at your door to tell you about Jesus (though we do that. haha) But we're good, Christian disciples who follow Him and His teachings to the very best of our ability, including the mandate to serve our fellow men.
We also were able to go on Exchanges with Sister Moore (one of my last companions) and Sister Pielstick (who I want to be companions with before I die next May)! It was the GREATEST! It's so wonderful to get a fresh set of eyes on your missionary work, your area, your testimony, and your teaching abilities. At the same time, you get to know these incredible Sisters who are pretty much perfect and incredibly hard working, and learn from them and their experiences. It's the best thing everrrrrrr. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I have to improve everyday as a missionary and as a disciple of Christ. Heaven only knows how incredibly imperfect I am, but with His help and His servants, I get to grow and learn everyday. :)
We taught one of our investigators, Zoey, on Sunday. She is so so so ready to be baptized, we're just waiting on consent from her parents. We showed her the restoration video, and we all were tearing up by the end of it. It was a beautiful lesson! I'm so grateful for Zoey and her example to me of a patient, diligent, faithful even when things are hard, person. <3

I have been notified that one of my good friends, Tiffany Maupin, has passed away unexpectedly. She was an incredible person and I am honored that I had the privilege of knowing her and learning from her in this life. If you would like to pray for her family and friends who are going through a tragic time, please do so. <3
On another note, my cousin Forest was baptized this last week by his brother and my cousin/pretty much brother, Kutter! I am so proud of the decisions they've made that have led them to this point in life. I love you both so much, and I'm so so so SO proud of you. <3
Anywho, that's about all I've got time for. Have a wonderful week! <3
Sister Roberts

 Temple!!! <3
 Zone selfie :) 

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